One of ARTURIA's core technologies is TAE (True Analog Emulation), a novel technique which allows for the accurate modelling of the behavior of analog circuits on a personal computer. This technology, developed in house by ARTURIA's Signal Processing team, has been employed to successfully recreate the sounds produced by many legendary analog synthesizers. This innovative technology has advanced ARTURIA's position in the computer musical instrument market place to one of global leader.
Gear Music is an Authorized Arturia Dealer in Canada
Arturia MiniLab 3 USB/MIDI 25-note Mini …$159.99
Arturia MicroFreak Gooseneck Mic$49.99
Arturia Keylab Essential USB/MIDI 49 …$319.99
Arturia AstroLab 61 Key Stage …$2299.99
Arturia MicroLab Black USB/MIDI 25-note …$99.99
Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Analog Digital Synth$499.99
Arturia BeatStep controller and sequencer$149.99
Arturia KeyStep Pro Controller Arpeggiator …$649.99
Arturia Minifuse 2 Compact USB Audio …$219.99
Arturia Keyboard Stand For Astrolab, …$279.99
Arturia MiniFreak 37 Key Hybrid Analog …$859.99
NEWArturia DrumBrute Impact 1984 Retro …$429.99