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Way Huge Purple Platypus Octidrive MkII

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Product Description

Purple is the sound of the Platypus by Way Huge Effects.
This ain’t no Piercing Moose (look it up kids) or clone of the classic Tycobrahe Octavia Pedal.
The Purple Platypus is a Smurftastic “Octidrive” - that is, a Way Huge Red Llama with an Octave up feature. This thing screams, just like a Platypus does! The highly sought after sounds of the versatile Red Llama combines with the ring modular style octave up effect can get you everywhere from the Rainbow Bridge (Hendrix, kids) to Overdriven Cheap Sun Glasses (ZZ Top) to Jet Set Trash (Sonic Youth) and everywhere in between! This thing cleans up great, and can provide some wonderful ring mod wackiness. Oh yeah, it’s pretty cool on bass too!
Yes, Purple Platypus’s play Bass…