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USED Vintage Gibson Les Paul Junior pickguard 1958/61 - CONSIGNMENT

SKU: ZZZ01523
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Product Description

Original Vintage Gibson Pickguard from the late 1950's for a Les Paul Jr.

If you own an original late 50's Gibson Les Paul Jr and your son or daughter have destroyed the pickguard with stickers, gummy bears and sparkles then do we have a pickguard for you!!

This Consignment pickguard is an original guard that would have been on a Les Paul Junior circa 1958 - 1961.
It is in excellent condition with very little scratching/fading/warping.
It is fairly flat - as see in the pictures.

Yes, you can get after market repro guards but if you have an original that's missing a guard/had the guard replaced, why not get an original!?!