Processing . . .

Universal Audio UAFX 1176 Studio Compressor Pedal

SKU: UA-GPS-1176
UPC: 819937003554
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More in Single Effect Pedals by Universal Audio
Product Description

Classic compressor in a compact pedal form with 3 compression modes, parallel compression and ture bypass/buffered bypass option.

Universal Audio have used their industry leading technology to perfectly emulate the classic 1176 Limited Amplifier into a pedal board friendly compact box.

Along with the Attck, Release and Output knobs, the Ratio knob features the famous "all Button In" setting from the original 1176.
Also featured is a Parallel Compression mode, for a wet/dry mix sound and a true bypass/buffered bypass setting.

Single Mode operates as a regular compressor. Dual Mode emulates running your signal through 2 units - a common practice, especially back in the day while recording direct guitar tracks, especially for slide parts.
Sustain Mode gives you that secret sauce on your guitar solo/lead sound.

This pedal is perfectly at home being used as outboard studio gear in your studio, like a real rack mounted 1176 - not to be limited to guitars and pedal boards!

We keep on being blown away by the new UAFX pedals, and now with the smaller form factor and lower price, these are going to be huge!

  • Packs a spot-on emulation of the venerable 1176LN Limiting Amplifier into a convenient stompbox
  • 3 compression modes: Single, Dual, and Sustain
  • Familiar 1176-style Input, Output, Attack, and Release controls
  • Ratio knob includes an "all buttons in" mode for gritty, hyper-compressed textures
  • Parallel compression mode functions as a wet/dry control
  • Selectable true- or buffered-bypass switching ensures easy rig integration
  • USB Type-C port makes system updates a breeze