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USED Dr Z Route 66 Amp Head - CONSIGNMENT

SKU: ZZZ01473
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Product Description

 32 Watt all tube amplifier head featuring KT-66 power tubes, hand made in USA.

"This is not a duplicate of the Marshall JTM-45, but completely original spin with new tonal end results. The Route 66 has an EF-86 front-end. For those not familiar with this tube, it is a 9 pin pentode that offers incredible gain and input dynamics. It is normally used in high-end stereos, most often for its accurate transfer of input signal, balance, and headroom."

The Route 66 features a deceptively simple tone stack, consisting of Volume, Bass, and Treble, which feeds a non-negative feedback Phase Inverter, for true harmonic content and full output tube dynamics. It has a 5U4 Tube Rectifier to complete the round enveloped tone. The amp has piano-like clarity with endless sustain, even at low volumes. Its 32 watts truly sing when driven hard in a focused, thick distortion, with the tightest bass response you’ve ever heard.

This Consignment amplifier is in Excellent condition, and a favorite among many!
We get used Dr Z amps in but the Route 66 is something we don't see come through too often.